Better Late Than Never: My 2018 Recap and 2019 Action Items
And just like that, we’re in 2019. Happy New Year everyone.
In honor of the tradition I started two years ago on my blog, Deserve Your Great Life, I’m sharing a recap of my 2018 experiences (with status updates) and action items for 2019, organized by key categories.
- Travel to at least 3 states within Nigeria I’ve never visited (1/3; Enugu)
- Travel to at least 2 countries outside of Nigeria (1/2; Sierra Leone)
- Stick to a strict monthly budget (for the most part, yes; used the iSaveMoney app)
- Document weekly expenses & review monthly (did really well for the first half of 2018; dropped off in second half)
- Remain disciplined with tithing (fully on track and proud of it!)
- Start and end my day with “thank you” (did really well for the first half of 2018; dropped off in second half and then picked back up in November)
- Give more empathy and forgiveness to others (for the most part, yes; I continue to work on this)
- Give less energy to worry (did well during first half of 2018; less stable in second half)
- Say ‘NO’ to toxic, waste-my-damn-time, not-good-for-my-blood-pressure relationships (I did pretty well on this!)
- Upload 48 posts onto my lifestyle blog( in 2018 (FAIL on this; only uploaded 6 posts and most recent was in April 2018)
- Keep post topics diversified (Yes, managed get some variety into 6 posts :)
- Finally transfer from Blogger to WordPress (No)
- Finally hold a“Special Event” in January (YES! Held two intimate and wonderful Dinner, Drinks, and Discussions, ‘D3’, ladies events; stressful to plan however the outcomes included new connections and friendships formed — pictures below)
- Read MORE (Read quite a bit — mostly articles; Harvard Business Review articles, Gates Notes articles, McKinsey articles, Forbes articles; Seth Godin articles, ‘A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions’ by Chimamanda Adichie)
- Created a Tuesday Management & Leadership series on LinkedIn and kept it up throughout 2018
- Co-authored a scientific research paper in the BMC Public Health Journal in 2018 on an sms-based mobile health initiative implemented across Africa (‘AVADAR’)
- Got a promotion at work (resulted in a relocation to Sierra Leone)
- Reconnected with a friend from years past; it’s like we never stopped being friends — we’re still as in sync as ever (our convos are the best!)
- Gained weight: lost a lot of weight due to stress in 2017 which scared me; finally found more joy and peace in 2018 and got my “slim thick” back
- Courses: Grant Writing, A1 level French, and PRINCE2/PRINCE2 Agile certifications in Project Management (na God’s grace and St. Rita of Cascia. The exams were wicked! Images below)
- Events: Attended the WIMBIZ event in Abuja and Women Founders Event in Freetown (can’t find the pictures for either one on my phone…hmmm)
- Listened to a lot of great music and danced A LOT
- In the spirit of saving the best for last, Ikechi and I tied the proverbial ‘knot’…he’s a GREAT man and I’m beyond lucky — pictures of some parts of our story below :)
- Travel to at least 3 countries I’ve never visited
- Stick to a strict monthly budget & review expenses month-end
- Remain disciplined with tithing
- Start investing in real estate
- Start and end my day with ‘thank you’ to God
- Have daily conversations with God; NEED IT
- Give more empathy and forgiveness to others
- Give less energy to worry
- Say “NO” to toxic, waste-my-damn-time, not-good-for-my-blood-pressure relationships
- Read my Bible more and enjoy it more :)
- Upload at least 12 posts in 2019 (let us scale back on this one)
- Keep the post topics diversified
- Finally transfer from Blogger to WordPress
- Organize two “Dinner, Drinks, and Discussions” events
- Write my first book (a personal memoir of sorts)
- Continue reading articles related to business, management, leadership, communications, and marketing
- Read more books (incl. Becoming by Michelle Obama)
- Do LESS (focus on fewer goals at a time increases probability of achieving them in a shorter period of time)
- Continue LinkedIn series
- Continue French studies
- Improve communication in my most cherished relationships
- ‘Adaeze Body 2.0.’ (sustaining high energy throughout the day is proving to be a challenge; time to make exercise a part of my routine…gehn gehn!)
There we have it peeps — a summary of my 2018 and 2019 plans.
I wish us all a 2019 filled with even more genuine love, intense laughter, new learning, fulfillment, great music, a lot of dancing, delish food, and at least 90% of action items achieved :)