Nwanyibuife A. Ugwoeje (Obiako)
2 min readAug 28, 2020

In 2012, I had a mindset of 'less'.

Happy-less. Money-less. Job-less. Joy-less. Everything-less.

I focused on what I didn't have so I was miserable.

It is with a mindset of less that jealousy finds a breeding ground.

There was a particular occurrence that kept happening.

I was on the hunt for a job and going on interviews however nothing was materialising. I'd have great interviews yet I wouldn't get selected for the jobs.

It was incredibly disheartening.

At the same time, a friend of mine had the opposite situation. She was getting jobs right and left. It seemed like she was putting in less effort than I was on the job hunt yet getting better results.

Was I happy for her?


Was I also dealing with a bout of jealousy?


While I was happy for my friend, I was sad for myself and felt jealous - which I didn't like.

Upon self-reflection, I realized my problem wasn't the lack of a job or my friend's great news - my problem was my mindset of less (a.k.a.Scarcity Mindset).

100% my choice.

So, when I was tired of my pity party (you have to be tired of it to do anything about it), I began the work of switching to a mindset of 'more' (a.k.a.Abundance Mindset).

I even Googled 'How To Become A Grateful Person' and slowly yet surely, my life turned around.

Why am I telling you this story?


You might desire a job however you haven't gotten one and everyone around you seems to have one.

You might desire to get married however it hasn't happened and everyone around you seems to be getting married.

You might desire children however it's proving difficult and you have a friend who keeps getting pregnant without even trying.

The list goes on.

I'm here to tell you that if you're going through a tough time and find yourself feeling sad or jealous, there is a viable solution.

Intentionally choosing to be grateful for each blessing you have (make a list, it helps), providing value to others, and believing in your God-given worth is the strategy for achieving contentment, joy, peace, and more blessings.

The "God and Gratitude Strategy' is what saved and still saves me.

I believe it will work for you too.

#NADstories #storytelling #intentionality #vulnerability #leadership #courage